Cedric´s  Covid-19 Spendenaktion

das Leben hat sich für Cedric´s Traumreisen  und unsere Freunde in der südafrikanischen Tourismusbranche  seit März 2020 dramatisch verändert. 

Der Tourismus in Südafrika ist aufgrund der weltweiten Covid-Pandemie komplett zusammengebrochen. 

Der Staat bietet keinerlei Hilfe für Unternehmen im Tourismus und Gastgewerbe an. Versicherungen zahlen für den Einkommensverlust nicht aus.  

Um es unseren Freunden im Tourismus, unseren Mitarbeitern und deren großen Familien  trotzdem zu ermöglichen, die Covid-Pandemie zu überleben, haben wir unsere Spendenaktion CEDRIC´S FUNDRAISER FOR FRIENDS IN TOURSIM  ins Leben gerufen.


Unter diesem LINK könnt Ihr spenden und uns helfen, all diesen wunderbaren Menschen zu helfen. Wir danken Euch von ganzem Herzen!  



For the past 18 years, we, the sisters Inge Niklaus and Jutta Frensch, have run our small travel agency, Cedric's on Tour in Cape Town, South Africa. It always has been our goal to give people a dream holiday in magical Africa. We  became friends with many South Africans in tourism industry.

The success of our business in this industry led us into a second venture: selling  French pizza (Flammkuchen) at the farmers markets in Cape Town. We employed many local folk – who became part of what we believe is a warm family.


Without our loyal helpers and business partners, we would not have experienced the soul-aching beauty of the land, or the proud joyfulness of the people. 

Gary Freeman, owner of Gary Freeman Safaris, one of South Africa’s pre-eminent rangers, built his quaint but cosy camp in the Klaserie Game Reserve from scratch. He has sustainably run the camp for the last 30 years, aided by his loyal and long-serving assistants, Ruth and Godfrey. He guides our guests on walking safaris, following ancient elephant tracks through unspoilt bush wilderness.

James, Jerrings, Blessing and Grace our diligent colleagues in our catering venture sent most of their income home to Zimbabwe and Malawi. They have supported us for many years with enthusiasm, energy and love, and have become the heart and soul of our business.

COVID-19 has changed the lives of everyone in the tourism and hospitality sector in South Africa dramatically. We all could not have foreseen how many dreams would evaporate from one day to the next. Tourism has suffered a total collapse. Our catering business, too, has felt the devastating impact – and is now a 5% shadow of its former self.

Over the last year we have lost all forms of income. Inexplicably, the South African government is not assisting the tourism and hospitality sector. Insurance does not cover lost income; and unemployment compensation is hard to come by. In other words, our small businesses now facing the full brunt of the disaster – alone.

Gary Freeman Safaris and Cedric´s on Tour remain responsible for our co-workers, however. Hence, we have continued paying their salaries since March 2020, despite our vanished incomes, thus ensuring they and their families don’t face hunger, that they are able to pay their modest rentals. 

As we find ourselves in a nearly hopeless situation, since tourism to South Africa will remain closed for the foreseeable future , we have created


Every one of our staff members is the sole breadwinner of their large families,

in total  40 children and their parents are depending on us.

For R 1.000 /€ 50 a large family can buy basic food to survive for a week.

Please help us to put food on the table of our staff and their families by donating whatever you can and sharing our fundraising initiative with your friends and your family. 

Thank you!